Cielo & Brazilian Zouk OC strive to have a safe environment where everyone feels welcomed. Because of that nature, new members coming into the social dance scene for the first time may easily mistake kindness for intimacy. We have put together social guidelines for our community to be more aware of the do’s and don’ts in social dance. 

Social Guidelines 

  • A dance is just a dance, and nothing more. Don’t misinterpret friendliness (multiple dances, eye contact, smiles, etc.) for intimacy.

  • Physical contact is part of social dance and should be used as a source of leading and following and not interpreted or used otherwise. Be mindful of boundaries regarding physical touch, dancing close, etc. Groping and unwanted touch is not tolerated.

  • Verbally ask or invite by hand gesture (without touch) for a dance. Be sure to wait for the other person’s response before heading to the dance floor. 

  • No means no. Only ask once for consent to have a dance, have a drink, to exchange contact information, etc. Asking multiple times may put unwanted pressure on people that have a hard time saying no. Silence is not a yes. 

  • Harassment will not be tolerated. Harassment includes (but is not limited to) inappropriate comments, verbal abuse, intimidation, bullying, stalking, unwanted photography or recording, sustained disruption, unwanted physical contact, and unwanted sexual attention.

  • Drink responsibly. Be aware to not become overly intoxicated. If you don’t remember, then it wasn’t fun. 

  • Personal hygiene wins. This includes: brushing your teeth or at the least, having mints (supplied with the bathroom attendants), taking care of body odor by showering and/or using deodorant, bringing towels or a change of clothes, and washing hands after using the bathroom.

  • Don’t dance sick. If you are not feeling well, please stay home out of consideration for other dancers.

  • Speaking out about incidents can be uncomfortable, however it’s beneficial for the community’s safety. When possible, verbally let the other person know your boundaries have been crossed or inform staff about the misconduct. We encourage you to inform us about any misconduct as soon as possible. 

  • Don’t attempt unsafe dance moves such as lifts, kicks, or overly large movements. Be mindful not to step on or bump into dancers around you, and if so, be apologetic if you do and forgiving if done to you.